It's more "bullet resistant" than bulletproof. It will stop handgun rounds. Since they didn't demonstrate it stopping rifle rounds, I assume that it would be of limited use against common military rifles.
Crazy stuff. I went to the link but didn't see what it was made out of. I'll have to search around bit, but last time I checked, bullet proof jackets looked like SWAT + 50 Cent type gear. LOL
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Nathaniell 11 years, 3 months ago
Not really it?
CharlesWGriswold 11 years, 3 months ago
It's more "bullet resistant" than bulletproof. It will stop handgun rounds. Since they didn't demonstrate it stopping rifle rounds, I assume that it would be of limited use against common military rifles.
CharlesWGriswold 11 years, 3 months ago
A staple of the cyberpunk genre is now a reality. It's life imitating art.
Nathaniell 11 years, 3 months ago
Crazy stuff. I went to the link but didn't see what it was made out of. I'll have to search around bit, but last time I checked, bullet proof jackets looked like SWAT + 50 Cent type gear. LOL