

Not sure what to think about this. Guess I would want to see a lot more testing before I trusted the manufacturing process.

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JakeLonergan, kilroy182, MrCowgirl and 2 others like this


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 11 years, 4 months ago

    Something is incorrect in the milling of the slide or frame, or maybe the ejector. Notice how the slide hangs up for a split second when returning to battery. Yes, I'm thinking ejector; the notch needs to be ground out a tad more or the angle of the front face as it engages the cartridge rim or something. Recoil spring tension, maybe? They need to look this over more closely.


    • Filadog

      Filadog 11 years, 4 months ago

      Yep. I noticed the same thing. It seems to get a little smoother after the first couple of shots, but it seems to hang up. Someone who doesn't know much about guns might not catch that.


  • Cobrapilot

    Cobrapilot 11 years, 4 months ago

    I noticed the slight hesitation as well. It holds up for a split second before going back into battery.

    Regardless, I am happy to see their initial success. These attempts change the conversation significantly.


    • JakeLonergan

      JakeLonergan 11 years, 4 months ago

      Agreed, the initial success is encouraging. But this demo does show the fallibility of the process. While this particular problem looks like one that might "wear in", something was off either in production or in the scan. The error could have been something that impeded function completely (like a too-short firing pin) or was downright hazardous (Ka-BOOM!). Filadog is correct, they need to figure out what went wrong. I hope they noticed the problem.
