LSUTigersFan, kmill, elancaster65 and 28 others like this
Feelings so far during this lovely season.
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LSUTigersFan, kmill, elancaster65 and 28 others like this
Feelings so far during this lovely season.
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LSUTigersFan 11 years, 3 months ago
JakeLonergan 11 years, 3 months ago
Yeah, who could have seen that coming?
Filadog 11 years, 3 months ago
duncanfj 11 years, 3 months ago
Haha, so true! Conservatives sitting back and not doing anything constructive! It's funny cause it is true!
Filadog 11 years, 3 months ago
Doing nothing?? Are you the guy in the picture getting racked and then sustained brain trauma afterwards? Conservatives have been trying to stop this train wreck from the beginning. True to Liberal form, when this turns out to be the monumental economic screw up of the century, Liberals will somehow try to lay the blame on the very people who tried to stop it. As always, since Liberals have absolutely no concept of personal accountability, it will be someone else' fault.
duncanfj 11 years, 3 months ago
Ah yes, what up dog? Surprised you could tear yourself away from Fox News and Rush. Always good to read your stereotypes and regurgitated palaver from the airwaves. Yup, liberals have never done anything for this country. You'd like it to return so only white males could vote? Were you planning on collecting Social Security? etc, etc... Love to chat, but well listening to you spout the same crap gets a little monotonous.
Filadog 11 years, 3 months ago
Nothing like watching a Liberal throw down a smoke screen to dodge the subject. S. Alinsky is crying tears of joy right now.
duncanfj 11 years, 3 months ago
Do you understand the concept of irony? Because I don't think you do.
Filadog 11 years, 3 months ago
I'm pretty sure I do, though I would imagine our definitions differ. For example, I think it's ironic that our "President" promised the people he would have the most "transparent" administration, yet he is at the center center of numerous scandals. NSA wire tapping, Solendra, Benghazi, the list goes on. I think it's ironic that he promised everyone on multiple occasions that they would be able to keep their current insurance plans. That's not panning out. The biggest piece of ironic BS of them all is that Obama won the Nobel Piece prize. For what? For continuing drone strikes while he out taking another vacation and playing more golf?
mango333 11 years, 3 months ago
Seriously? You call fighting this in congress, in the courts, on radio and TV nothing?
Filadog asked you a legitimate question and you completely side stepped giving a direct answer. How's about you drop the name calling and side stepping and give something back a little more constructive?
duncanfj 11 years, 3 months ago
Fighting this has done nothing, achieved nothing other than shutting down the government and costing taxpayers billions of dollars. How about coming up with a better proposal? Or working with democrats to make the current system better? Again, accusing me of sidestepping while the tea party and republican leaders continue their current agenda, look up irony. And I do believe Filadog accused me of having no personal sense of accountability before I called him any names.
mango333 11 years, 3 months ago
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Better proposals have been made. But they are proposals that give people the power and limits the gov's involvement.
Measures have been placed to limit lawsuits, I think they call it tort reform. Measures have been placed to give small businesses more financial stability, which in turn strengthens the economy and gives the power back to the people. Measures have been placed to improve educational opportunities across the board, producing better medical staff, better patients, and a better system.
Any of this sounding familiar?
But none of this has or will even be considered. The gov shutdown could have been avoided. The administration knows - or should know - how the American peole view the Healthcare "overhaul". Instead the administration ignored all the warnings, failed the implementation of even the registration process and took the shutdown waaaaayy too far; going so far as spending(!!!) to frustrate veterans trying to get to open air monuments. Again - seriously?
And by the way, Filadog called you nothing. He identified an observation of the liberal democratic party. You, sir, took it to a personal level and away from a political debate.
Just so you know, I and the rest of this forum understand irony perfectly fine, thank you. It's when people like you tell people like me to be open minded and then have only one way of thinking.
duncanfj 11 years, 3 months ago
Wow. I guess one way of thinking doesn't go beyond what you see on Fox News. Trying to have a discussion with someone like this is pointless. You believe what you want, have a blessed day.
mango333 11 years, 3 months ago
Sorry...don't watch Fox and don't have cable. I choose to believe what I believe because I do my own research and watch commentary from both sides and that's where the facts are. I don't have issue taking the time to spell those facts out.
I'm also sorry you know longer wish to discuss. It's a shame so many have lost the ability to debate instead of mud slinging and stereo typing. You too have a blessed day.
Filadog 11 years, 3 months ago
Well said, Mango. See, people like you are feared by Liberals because you have a brain and you choose to use it. Carry on, good sir.
Chet_Manly 11 years, 3 months ago
Your "argument" is devoid of substance. My guess, because I don't know if you actually believe in the attacks you are throwing out and I have to go on your comments alone, is that you have invested yourself in a person or party. Thus you are unable to see the glaring flaws in them. You should be more concerned with finding truth and worry less about supporting and defending politicians or a political side.
I'm not defending anyone else, merely trying to be helpful and suggesting a way that you can improve yourself.
karrob 11 years, 3 months ago
Well said!
TheGreatDane 11 years, 3 months ago
It's even funnier because conservatives are probably going to be the ones driving the American people to the hospital for a torn nutsack from the "good" intentions backfiring in a big way!
Todd73 11 years, 3 months ago
The American people getting their nuts crushed because they keep believing what liberal bozos keep telling them. Chuckle, chuckle, it's funny cause it's true.
haplessrogue 11 years, 3 months ago
Ugh, the staggering levels of schadenfreude is sickening, because implementations on a massive scale like this always go so smoothly. Folks around the country have no idea how far to the right the Overton window is skewed.
TheGreatDane 11 years, 3 months ago
Yes, large scale implementations rarely go without a hiccup, but this is not a hiccup. It's a trip over your own feet, smash your face on the curb, and mauled by a bear monumental screw up. The company used to create the website had three years and didn't even have an outstanding reputation. Now, to fix it, the government is bringing in around 500 programmers; like that is going to work. There is going to a monumental failure of communication between them looking at it from an organizational behavior perspective, not to mention the fact they have an already broken base to work with. But you have to remember a key factor, nothing the government does is efficient, and this is just another example of overreach and fumbling it.
mango333 11 years, 3 months ago
No end to end testing, no load testing, no communication. Large scale implementations have bug fixes - things no one thought to test for - not massive crashes because load management was neglected...completely.
Then to bring in an army of programmers to fix it??? In what IT world does that even make sense?
Face it - the gov should never have been involved with health care to begin with, let alone managing, building, or deploying anything that is supposed to be saving the American people money.
Chet_Manly 11 years, 3 months ago
That is because it was never really about healthcare....
Filadog 11 years, 3 months ago
Exactly. It's about control.
BenW 11 years, 3 months ago
It's fascinating to me that people are still defending it. Everyone should have known this was doomed to be a debacle from the day the words "We have to pass it to see what's in it" were spoken. Allow me an analogy:
Ben at the car lot:
Ben: I would like to buy a new car.
Salesman: Sure - give me $50,000.
Ben: But wait, I'd like to look at cars first.
Salesman: No! Give me $50K and I will give you a suitable car.
Ben: Well, okay.
Salesman: Here's your Yugo. Enjoy.
Or one could also analogize the old Soviet bread lines, where people waited in long lines all day for their loaf of bread and they served six before the government store closed. But the Commissars still got their bread, and no notice of their old bread being canceled for new bread that was half the size.
mango333 11 years, 3 months ago
LOL...the problem with your scenario, BenW, is that the salesman never collects. Yeah, the system created to collect the buyer's money crashes sooooo bad, no one can give it to him.
Of course, it's not the saleman's fault. It's the fault of the guy trying to tell you, "There's a better car lot!"
05tacoma 11 years, 3 months ago
I only have to see but one thing when I use my state's Obamacare calculator:
Bronze Plan - $350 a month premium, $6000 deductible.
I get paid to deal in facts and data. That's all the facts and data I need to tell me it's not a "good deal."