I'd the C.D.C. located in Wachington D.C.? If sowouldnt one think that of all places theirs has the greatest opportunity to have "sufficient data". I mean its right out their front door... i guess i would think Washington D.C. and the federal government with all its resources would get the data from its OWN town first or at least at all. But then again iay be looking at this all wrong?
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bean 11 years, 3 months ago
I'd the C.D.C. located in Wachington D.C.? If sowouldnt one think that of all places theirs has the greatest opportunity to have "sufficient data". I mean its right out their front door... i guess i would think Washington D.C. and the federal government with all its resources would get the data from its OWN town first or at least at all. But then again iay be looking at this all wrong?
bean 11 years, 3 months ago
Typos noted. Replying from a cell phone isn't easy someimes ;^)