Surface 2
Posted by larryh2013 from
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Hey Guys, I am considering buying a Surface. Heard many negative feedback about it.
Including lack of apps and not user friendly.
I am sure the iPad air has more apps as I am already using an older iPad but I am considering getting something different.
Anyone using a surface here? Please share your thoughts. Thanks.
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LP 11 years, 4 months ago
I use the first generation Surface Pro and am very happy with it. For a while, I used the Surface Pro alongside an iPad but with time the Surface Pro replaced the iPad completely. While the Surface Pro does have fewer apps (and many of the apps do not function quite as well as those for the Ipad), the Surface Pro can run most PC software, expanding the software options considerably. There are other benefits (e.g., more control over your files) though much of that is subjective.
Do note that my experience is with the Surface Pro rather than standard Surface.
larryh2013 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for your input
banjoben 11 years, 4 months ago
I've used the 1st gen Surface RT for a while now. I can say that there are performance issues with the device if you're trying to use it for heavy-duty work. I find the ability to use MS Office really handy, but when working with large documents, it sometimes renders quite slowly. For everyday usage (browsing the web, checking email, reading, watching tv/movies) I find it to be just fine, and the apps while fewer in number than what you'd find in the iTunes store are sufficient for me. In fact, in this type of usage, where it's actually competing with the iPad directly, I find the Surface RT to be quite good. After all, there's a full-featured browser on the device. With that, the lack of apps is less of an issue than you might think.
Also, from what I understand, most of the issues with the 1st gen device have been addressed in Surface 2. Though I can't say I have personal experience with it.
larryh2013 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks for your input.
larryh2013 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks guy. Just curious, what about bookmarklet ? Can you install the pin it button for pinterest or Gentlemint on your surface IE browser?
mopower 11 years, 4 months ago
I have both a first gen Surface RT and a Surface Pro 2. With the Windows 8.1 update the RT device is much snappier than originally shipped and the new model should be even better although I haven't used it. I use it primarily as my web browsing and light e-mail machine. The main benefit for it over the Pro is just the battery life and it's a little smaller and lighter.
However, since I bought the Pro 2 I've been using that for just about everything. It does anything a Windows PC can do, has plenty of power and the only real limitation is screen size. I'm waiting for the docking station to come out to make hooking to a monitor for writing code quicker and easier.
Also, get the type cover. I'm using the one I bought for the RT on the Pro 2 until the new keyboard with battery comes out.
larryh2013 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks, is the IE10 a full browser? does it allow you to install the pin button for pinterest? I am probably gonna give it a shot. Hope this is a right decision.
banjoben 11 years, 3 months ago
Yes it is, and yes you can. I didn't see a method for the metro style browser, but in desktop IE you can install the Pin It button to your favorites bar. It is then accessible through the metro browser too, but it is tucked away in the favorites bar subgroup. Not obvious, but it is there.