jgreene777, glen, BenW and 8 others like this
Home looking over Lake Pend Oreille, a lake about the size of Lake Tahoe in Northern Idaho.
Added in Mountain Exteriors
jgreene777, glen, BenW and 8 others like this
Home looking over Lake Pend Oreille, a lake about the size of Lake Tahoe in Northern Idaho.
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LSUTigersFan 11 years, 4 months ago
When they ask me why I committed embezzlement...this will be my justification.
TheMatturalEQ 11 years, 4 months ago
God! What I wouldn't do to live in that house. The house itself can be in the middle of the desert and I'd still do anything for it. But with that view? Welp this just ruined my day.
JohnArchitect 11 years, 4 months ago
Thanks. They have incredible views, not just to where you see here but it also wraps around to the right another 180 degrees with more views of the lake, a long bridge, the town of Sandpoint, Idaho, Schweitzer Ski Resort, and more mountains. Beats the view I have.
Filadog 11 years, 4 months ago
The only thing I don't like about this house is knowing that I would have to save everything I make for 10 years just to scrape together a lump of cash that MIGHT resemble a down payment to purchase it.