So is gatorade if you cut it with a little water. Before going to bed, pop a multivitamin and down a 32 ouncer, go to bed and when you get up have a decent breakfast if you can. I miss my drinking days.
I've done this more times than I can recall. Even got a girlfriend to take part in that ritual. Always right as rain the next day... even though we'd be waking up at noon.
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tinman97030 11 years, 5 months ago
i have never tried this. Anybody?
TheMatturalEQ 11 years, 5 months ago
I always drink a few pedialytes when get the cold and fever. Cures a fever surprisingly quickly.
Never used it for a hangover, but if it cures fevers in record time, no doubt it should help with hangovers.
tinman97030 11 years, 5 months ago
sounds good
kilroy182 11 years, 5 months ago
So is gatorade if you cut it with a little water. Before going to bed, pop a multivitamin and down a 32 ouncer, go to bed and when you get up have a decent breakfast if you can. I miss my drinking days.
tinman97030 11 years, 5 months ago
i would not get much sleep i am afraid, too much time peeing after 32 ounces.
joslightbringer 11 years, 5 months ago
I've done this more times than I can recall. Even got a girlfriend to take part in that ritual. Always right as rain the next day... even though we'd be waking up at noon.