jgreene777, JasTxTch, partenope and 4 others like this
Science has confirmed something I've known all along. Racists really are idiots.
jgreene777, JasTxTch, partenope and 4 others like this
Science has confirmed something I've known all along. Racists really are idiots.
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Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago
Apparently, this study didn't account for the current President of the United States of America, the Vice President of the U.S., the Attorney General of the United States, the entire Congressional Black Caucus, the owner/CEO of BET...... I could go on and on. My point is, this study was an attempt to further stereotype the idea of a "racist" being some dumb white guy with a shaved head holding his hand in air. Hate to break it to you, but racism never has been and never will be exclusive to the white race. Especially in this day and age, just being born white is a strike against you. Just ask those race baiting hacks who try to call themselves "Reverends" Jessie Jacksoson and Al Shapton.
And then there is this line from the web site:
"Asia's most trusted independent Catholic news source." That line on the website cost it some credibility with me.
DirtDoc 11 years, 5 months ago
Filadog you have to read the study before you critique it. For example: the study was done in the UK, and none of those people are UK residents. Secondly, double blinding a study is a crucial part of survey research, none of those people could be involved since the researcher would know the political beliefs and education history of those people. This also preclude the kind of people who march around with nazi tars throwing the salute out there.
Also, Asia has a lot of Catholics. Certainly had them before the Americas did. That's irrelevant though, since the study was only reported on the site, the research paper was published in Psychological Science, an incredibly prestigious journal.
Also, being white isn't a strike against you, unless you are talking about empty rhetorical arguments made by straw men. Whiteness is correlated to being healthier, better educated, and less likely to die in violent crime. And only a fool would try to argue that these disparities are due to genetics and not the legacy of systematic discrimination.
As an example: in Michigan (my home state) blacks make up 25% of marijuana users but 60% of convictions, and they receive longer sentences for identical charges. I'll find a citation later but I wrote this on the John and have to ge back to work.
Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago
You don't think genetics has anything to do with it? I disagree. Different breeds of dogs have different characteristics and behaviors yet they are all dogs. There isn't much difference.
And are you truly going to lay all of the blame for all of the problems the black community has at the feet of whites and their "systemic discrimination"? That is nothing but a smoke screen. Look at Africa now. There are tribes there that have barely moved out of their caves. Are they being held back by some white guy? Nope. When everyone talks about racism, it ultimately goes back to the issue of slavery. Yes it was bad and it should have never been practiced. BUT, blacks aren't the only race of people who have ever been enslaved....but they want to pretend they are. It's also interesting that when the issue of the slave trade comes up, the part where blacks sold other blacks into slavery is always left out.
You mention that you live in Michigan. Look at what happened when Coleman Young took over as mayor of Detroit. He waged a racist war against the white residents of Detroit that ended up driving out most of them. Now look at Detroit. It's over 80% Black and has been dominated by blacks for a very long time. With little white influence, who can they possibly blame?
As I have said before, it's time for the black community to start owning up to its own problems, stop blaming the white man, pull their pants up, put their 'Mint 'Stache on and carry on.
DirtDoc 11 years, 5 months ago
Until genetic loci which are responsible for the majority of individual behavior, I think its generally advisable to shuck the rhetoric of racist, pseudo-scientific racists.
Also, if you think the problem with Africa is that they haven't decided to buck up, you are staggeringly ignorant of history. Colonial powers show up in one place, decide that historically at odds tribes are now in one country, and then get all surprised when that doesn't work. It isn't the mark of discerning faculties to arrive at that conclusion.
If, when the Allies conquered Europe after WWII, decided to fashion a country out of !/2 of Germany and 1/2 of liberate France, and then again with the other half of Germany and 1/2 of Poland with a bit of Austria in there, do you think those nations would be peaceful, or even still together? No. Those nations were allowed to coalesce from self-propagating national identities, with long periods of formation. No conquest for 200 years then 5 years to unify all the ethnic groups into a collective, with have your ethnic group piled into another nation.
And oh my god really, other races were enslaved? Right, but not as a national policy, not as a majority of the population. Not any time recently and as I recall there were never any "fraternal orders" dedicated to maintaining the "proper social order" aka white hegemony.
BUT none of that matters, since its apparent that the legacy of other races slavery didn't carry long standing institutionalized second-citizen status. We didn't need a civil rights movement for the white folks who had slavery in their past. We don't still have huge sentencing disparities (as I mentioned) and racist police policies like stop-and-frisk which affect the descendants of white slaves.
One of the problems with this completely ignorant position of "the black community needs to own up to its problems" is that prevailing political powers which still are (despite a black president) dominated by white people, are a major problem for black people, (and Latino, Asian, Native American, depressingly so on and so on).
And one whole example of a Black mayor mismanaging a town, (hell take Kwame too) suddenly means that racism, current and historical, have no influence on the lived lives of that community.
Finally, and please understand I can't direct this directly to you because I don't know your race, so instead I'll leave it out to the general public, please please please try to have some humility, view your words through historical context, and try to view how terribly arrogant, ignorant, stupid, and racist it is for white people to tell black people what they really need to do to fix their problems.
Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago
Yes, "oh my god really", other races were enslaved and people are enslaved to this very day. You don't hear of any Christians asking for special treatment from the Romans for being fed to the lions in the Colosseum. You don't see the Jewish people walking around with a chip on their soldier because of what happened to their people.
You're right, you don't know my race and I don't know yours. I have Cherokee and Irish heritage which weren't two of the most respected group of folks back in the day. I don't walk around asking for special treatment because of it.
I stand by my comment saying the black community needs to own up to its own problems and stop trying to lay the blame on someone else. How about Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton start demanding that rapper stop glamorizing drugs/sex/gangs/violence in their music? How about they start preaching against teen pregnancy. And for God's sake, tell them to pull their freakin' pants up.
When I hear people talk about growing up in the ghetto or the projects and blaming where they are in life on that, I instantly pull my B.S. card. My father grew up in a house with no indoor plumbing but he never asked for a handout. When he turned 18, he joined the military. After he finished his service, he was able find a common labor job in a factory and for 36 years he worked his ass off volunteering for every hour of over time he could get his hands on. We had a small farm and I would pick up work for a neighboring farmer shoveling cow crap for $5/hour. I decided I didn't want to do that for the rest of my life so I busted my butt in college, got a crap load of student loans but also got myself a medical degree.
I also work with a doctor who was raised in the projects with 6 other siblings. He pulled his self up out of it because he knew he was better than that and wanted more out of life. He doesn't go around with a chip on his shoulder because it.
If you like, DirtDoc, I will give you the last word because I never like to drag a debate out on here and bring it to a Facebook-level flame war. In the end, we all want the same thing: peaceful coexistence between the races. We just differ on how to achieve the goal. I say the black community is fully capable of helping themselves and don't require any more or less special treatment than any other race. Neither myself, my family or my ancestors ever owned a slave and therefore I don't owe them anything other than the same respect I give every other man or woman I meet.
DirtDoc 11 years, 5 months ago
We do hear (some) Christians demanding special treatment all the time, (i.e. Attempts to include creationism alongside evolution in biology texts), though not justified by roman martyrdom. But the example is irrelevant: Romans don't exist any more, and those offenses occurred 2000 years ago. There are many Jewish people with chips on their shoulder, and many organizations designed to promote Jewish heritage and counter anti-semitism. (And just as well, there's a huge amount of anti-semitism in the world.)
The problem with using individual anecdotes is that it ignores systemic realities. It's great that you were able to take advantage of opportunities to educate yourself. But those opportunities aren't universal. How were your public schools? Did you leave ring able to read? And what was the level of gun violence in your neighborhood? Did you have access to basic medical care? These things aren't a given in the US.
The destruction of communities by prosecution and sentencing disparities is not small. It destroys homes, saps wisdom from the community, and takes away income which contributes to the local economies. Run a search for "The New Jim Crow", and excellent book on the subject.
Also, this "rap is all violent and drugs and bling" has got to go. Aside from the fact that its wrong, (check out anything by Mos Def, common, Black Star, Talib Kwelli), the idea that rap is some how especially about being rich and sex and drugs is insane. Exhibit A: half of all rock and roll from the golden era was screwing and drugs and partying. Violence was all around to: John Lennon used to best his first wife, and wrote about it in song, but apparently that okay because he doesn't as mad anymore and he "has to admit its getting better, getting better all the time". And hair metal? That was the most popular music for a decade and they might as well have slapped a steak for an hour on the record. The cassettes came prelubed.
Disliking music for being sexist and violent and shallow is fine. Singling out hip hop for disdain on those grounds is at best narrow minded and uninformed.
Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago
Again, completely ignoring their own problems and blaming someone else. It's like Rosie O'Donnel telling someone else they made her fat because they are also a little over weight.
DirtDoc 11 years, 5 months ago
Oh also the study never mentions the race of the participants.
MacTexas 11 years, 5 months ago
I think this is the same group that confirmed the link between liberalism and stupidity.
duncanfj 11 years, 5 months ago
Post the study. Or were you just commenting to be an ass?
CharlesWGriswold 11 years, 5 months ago
I would like to thank all of the people who posted rants against the study without actually reading the article.
You've pretty much proven the whole point of the article. Well done, sirs. Well done, indeed.
MacTexas 11 years, 5 months ago
egro 11 years, 5 months ago
Ha ha ha ha ha, at the bottom of the article, it state's this:
"Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study,..."
duncanfj 11 years, 5 months ago
So you believed a post on a website that has to tell you it is a news website about a study that doesn't mention a single author's name or where the article was published? I'm guessing the only reason you believed it is that it confirmed beliefs that you already had. I would work on my critical thinking skills a bit.
egro 11 years, 5 months ago
MacTexas didn't even read the article he linked to, at the bottom it admits that it is false.
MacTexas 11 years, 5 months ago
You asked for the link so I gave it to you.
If you question this study, do you also question global warming studies?
duncanfj 11 years, 5 months ago
Actually, no, you posted a link to a webpage talking about the study, not the study itself, which doesn't exist.
I'm sorry, where were we talking about global warming? And as a matter of fact,I have read global warming studies. The actual studies, not webpages talking about non existent scientific articles.
MacTexas 11 years, 5 months ago
Here is a "study" I know you will be interested in.
Sorry you called me a derogatory name but I would expect no less from a liberal. I hold you in high regard and know you will look at the facts and have a conclusion.
duncanfj 11 years, 5 months ago
Still not a scientific article. That is an opinion paper written by Senate Republicans. Try this one:
Could I have made my point without calling you an ass? Probably. But you still haven't actually posted a scientific article calling liberals stupid. And since you have the view that people are only either conservative or liberal, you were by default calling me stupid, so I really don't feel too terribly sorry. Read the one I posted, written by actual scientists.
MacTexas 11 years, 5 months ago
You obviously only looked at the cover page. Throughout the entire report are links to the actual scientific study. I am very familiar with the IPCC report and Agenda 21. They do not explain why the past 15 years there has been no warming and they don't explain why the polar ice cap grew more than it has in the past 40 years. I am still wondering why we have had no hurricanes yet this hurricane season. Guess the models let them down.
duncanfj 11 years, 5 months ago
No, once again, links to webpages are not scientific articles. Scientific articles go through (in reputable journals) an intense peer review process before being published. Anyone can write up a webpage. There HAVE been hurricanes, or as they are called in the Pacific, typhoons. One of the most powerful in many years just recently hit the Philippines, Honk Kong, etc. The so-called heating pause is something that naysayers love to point to, without understanding the science. Since you like posting webpages, let me post one in return: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/damian-carrington-blog/2013/sep/27/global-warming-pause-mirage-ipcc">http://www.theguardian.com/environment/damian-carrington-blog/2013/sep/27/global-warming-pause-mirage-ipcc
And the contention that the ice caps grew is completely false. The data from this summer isn't in yet, but last year it showed the Arctic ice cap was smaller than ever before recorded.
How far deep into this are we now and you STILL have not posted any scientific study supporting what you initially posted on? This is not a post about global warming. You want to discuss it, start its own thread.
ahnyerkeester 11 years, 5 months ago
Here's where I think the idea falls down: Germany was brilliant in WWII and racist. They were flying jets before we were, they were launching guided rockets at London, and they were brilliant tacticians. And they were racist.
Also, look at American, no, the entire West's history. We were the most advanced civilization in the world and we were racists.
I think that if you look at history a bit you can quickly see that the study is flawed. Reasons for racism can range from very intellectual to merely cultural and petty but I don't think only dumb people believe them. They are wrong and even smart folks can be wrong. Happens all the time.
egro 11 years, 5 months ago
You make interesting points, but the study has merit. It doesn't conclude that all racists are stupid, or all stupid people are racist, just a correlation.
DickieGreenleaf 11 years, 5 months ago
There was over 3 million members of the Ku Klux Klan in 1920. This study seems legit.
nsyrax 11 years, 5 months ago
Man, I love playing spot the racist! Comparing blacks to dogs? CHECK! Hmm, dogs don't hate other dogs because of their breed, humans do. Looks like we could learn a thing or two from dogs. You raise all the same arguments the skinheads I went to school with would raise. If it walks like a duck....
tico1998 11 years, 5 months ago
Just a suggestion :) Read the book "Bell Curve" by Richard Hernnstein.
egro 11 years, 5 months ago
This is where MacTexas and Filadog jumped the shark!