Currently I'm living in China, and this kind of stuff actually can happen. They put in the snake/lizard etc. live. Perhaps she didn't have enough bai jiou in the jug, and the snake didn't drown. Just sat and plotted revenge. Hospitals have reported 2 other cases of this over the years.
Wasn't the bottle sealed? The snake wouldn't get oxygen. How long can a snake live without food or water? Where is the snake now? The claim that this actually happened is unbelievable.
From what I've seen them do, they don't actually put it in a bottle until later. They put them in these giant mayonaise-like jars, only about 1/3 full. Hibernation was kind of what I was thinking. Egro makes a good point about oxygen, maybe there was enough...
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glen 11 years, 6 months ago
Razorback 11 years, 6 months ago
Well, you don't see that every day.
lijitimit 11 years, 6 months ago
I go out for dinners here in China and they feed me all sorts of wines like this. It's good for your healthy.
egro 11 years, 5 months ago
Sounds far fetched, I call B.S.
lijitimit 11 years, 5 months ago
Currently I'm living in China, and this kind of stuff actually can happen. They put in the snake/lizard etc. live. Perhaps she didn't have enough bai jiou in the jug, and the snake didn't drown. Just sat and plotted revenge. Hospitals have reported 2 other cases of this over the years.
egro 11 years, 5 months ago
Wasn't the bottle sealed? The snake wouldn't get oxygen. How long can a snake live without food or water? Where is the snake now? The claim that this actually happened is unbelievable.
MarkBlemish 11 years, 5 months ago
hibernation maybe?
lijitimit 11 years, 5 months ago
From what I've seen them do, they don't actually put it in a bottle until later. They put them in these giant mayonaise-like jars, only about 1/3 full. Hibernation was kind of what I was thinking. Egro makes a good point about oxygen, maybe there was enough...
tinman97030 11 years, 5 months ago
too weird
Chet_Manly 11 years, 5 months ago
And I thought Taco's "Three Penis wine" was dangerous...