So a treaty written with incredibly vague language, enforceable only through a body over which we have absolute veto, and which applies only to international trade will somehow limit 2nd amendment rights?
(And yes I understand that the signers also currently run the UNSC votes for our country. But the point is an international treaty won't be allowed to affect our trade.)
Um...YES! "Well, we'll have to have more gun control/safety/latest Orwellian descriptive so we can comply with this treaty we signed." The attack will come from within as we continue to kiss every tin pot dictator's butt. And to no avail, I might add.
The senate won't ratify it. The Obummer regime just likes to 'flip the bird' to the American people on a regular basis. They know they can't 'get er done' but they feel the need to tell the Europeans, "see how much smarter and pacifist we are compared to the proles we must rule over!"
It's always interesting to see when the Democrat-led Senate disagrees with the Obama Administration. I agree that the language used in this treaty is a little too general for us to get behind. It's another example of a policy with good intentions, that leaves too much room for possible invasions of our Constitutional rights.
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DirtDoc 11 years, 3 months ago
So a treaty written with incredibly vague language, enforceable only through a body over which we have absolute veto, and which applies only to international trade will somehow limit 2nd amendment rights?
(And yes I understand that the signers also currently run the UNSC votes for our country. But the point is an international treaty won't be allowed to affect our trade.)
JakeLonergan 11 years, 3 months ago
Um...YES! "Well, we'll have to have more gun control/safety/latest Orwellian descriptive so we can comply with this treaty we signed." The attack will come from within as we continue to kiss every tin pot dictator's butt. And to no avail, I might add.
High_Binder 11 years, 3 months ago
WTF? The Senate preemptively voted to block this a few months ago and by a wide margin too.
Senate votes 53-46 to stop US from joining UN Arms Trade Treaty
03/23/13 (6 months ago)
So this looks like more of your typical Obama headline making song and dance with the usual lack of teeth.
kilroy182 11 years, 3 months ago
The senate won't ratify it. The Obummer regime just likes to 'flip the bird' to the American people on a regular basis. They know they can't 'get er done' but they feel the need to tell the Europeans, "see how much smarter and pacifist we are compared to the proles we must rule over!"
cjcs 11 years, 3 months ago
It's always interesting to see when the Democrat-led Senate disagrees with the Obama Administration. I agree that the language used in this treaty is a little too general for us to get behind. It's another example of a policy with good intentions, that leaves too much room for possible invasions of our Constitutional rights.