


  • Filadog

    Filadog 11 years, 4 months ago

    Liberals are such brainless hypocrites. When Bush and a legion of global support wanted to stop a murdering tyrant who had two sons who considered rape a hobby, Liberals just wouldn't shut up about his "war mongering". But now that the "messiah" has decided to hit Syria for using the very WMD's Bush was looking for, suddenly the Obama zombies are fine with it. Liberals should be ashamed for what they are doing to this country and owe the rest of us an apology.


    • ahnyerkeester

      ahnyerkeester 11 years, 4 months ago

      I really disagree with that assessment Filadog. Liberals are by no means brainless but they operate on assumptions and principles you don't appear to share. Calling someone you disagree with "brainless" and "hypocritical" doesn't help you understand them nor does it help them understand your resistance to their ideals. And the same goes for the other side. When Liberals cast all conservatives as brainless rednecks who can safely be ignored and ridiculed, they miss the opportunity to potentially learn from them. We must get past the rhetoric.


      • mango333

        mango333 11 years, 4 months ago

        I agree with the Liberal bashing not helping anyone. But Filadog has a point with the rest of his reply. It is amazing how suddenly it's OK to get involved with something that isn't ours to get involved in. At least with Iraq and Afghanistan there was an actual threat to the US. And let's not miss the fact that Syria is using the very WMDs that supposedly didn't exist. The fact that the intelligence communities across the globe pointed to Syria as a possible storage site for Iraq's weapons, doesn't seem to be getting any press is very unsettling.


        • ahnyerkeester

          ahnyerkeester 11 years, 4 months ago

          Agreed mango. That's why I posted the link to begin with.

          At the same time, Cornell West and Tavis Smiley have criticized Obama over Syria even to the point of saying he should be impeached if he bombs Syria without congressional approval! So not all liberals are being incinsustant.


      • Filadog

        Filadog 11 years, 4 months ago

        I think "brainless" and "hypocritical" is a very fair assessment of Liberals. They support tried and failed socialist economic policies that have proven to be abysmal failures everywhere they have been implemented. They think they know how to better spend our money for us, how to make/force us to be healthier, to make us safer by restricting our 2nd Amendment rights and helping end poverty by throwing tax payer dollars at it. Al Gore flies around the world in his private jet asking everyone else to reduce their "carbon foot print". Michael Moore makes millions from his "films" and turns around a preaches hate for the wealthy. Liberals tell the people that they want to give them more civil liberties and equality all while giving big brother more power and causing an even larger divide between the races (enter Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson). My apologies for going off the topic of Syria and the absence of the previous anti-war Obama celebrities but I felt that I needed to defend my comment. My line of work allows me to see how Liberals are killing this country. I get to see just how rotten the cake is under all the icing. My apologies for the rant. I appreciate the opportunity to speak my mind here and I respect your point of view as well.

        In the end, what else needs to be said about a political party that has a jackass as its mascot?
