The two most incompetent men on the planet hold the most powerful positions in the world. I don't which is more frightening: The fact that they are in those positions or the fact that there is a populace of people dumb enough to vote them into those positions.
I wouldn't go as far as to say they are incompetent. They just don't give a shit about the people they are supposed to be leading. They have their own personal interests which they are looking out for, and if those interests oppose the general population, tough luck. I think what's more frightening than anything is how easy it is for the powers that be to manipulate vast populaces to get their way (i.e. media, entertainment, military backed intimidation, fear). Will we ever have a chance to set things right?
We are now living in an emotionally driven society where people are elected because of emotional reasons and not their ideology. Until we can get away from this extreme PC movement we're going to keep slipping.
Political correctness is just a drop in a pool filled with much larger underlying issues. As a population, we've been lulled into a state of passive indifference. We've been sedated by media entertainment and in turn, we either don't care or feel personally incapable of effecting any change.
Emotions are important and are powerful compasses for which to guide one's life. However, little is being done to promote critical thought and rational logic. It's almost as though our nation has been hypnotized and become submissive to the dealings of the all mighty magician waving the pocket watch back and forth in front of our faces (enter mass media).
We might have a chance to set things right if we are able to put some common sense back in the White House in the next election. If we allow someone like Hillary Clinton or anyone from Obama's inner circle in there again, we are screwed. Full disclosure here: I'm a Conservative. I think it is a shame that hard work and the success that follows has now become taboo, being a responsible gun owner makes you an "extremist" and believing in a traditional life makes you a "racist" or a "bigot".
I would go so far to say they are lying hypocrites that are now advancing beyond what anyone though the policies of their predecessor and the policies THEY RAN AGAINST!!! WTF
I would go as far as to say that we need wholesale changes on both sides. As much as I would like to place blame only on the jacka__es, the repulsicans are of equal blame. Any politician these days is there to line their pockets, and the pockets of their buddies, and they don't care about what is good, much less best for our country, or our children. PC, complacency, comfort, lack of morality, and lack of conviction are plagues in America.
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Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago
The two most incompetent men on the planet hold the most powerful positions in the world. I don't which is more frightening: The fact that they are in those positions or the fact that there is a populace of people dumb enough to vote them into those positions.
Mattlockhart 11 years, 5 months ago
I wouldn't go as far as to say they are incompetent. They just don't give a shit about the people they are supposed to be leading. They have their own personal interests which they are looking out for, and if those interests oppose the general population, tough luck.
I think what's more frightening than anything is how easy it is for the powers that be to manipulate vast populaces to get their way (i.e. media, entertainment, military backed intimidation, fear). Will we ever have a chance to set things right?
High_Binder 11 years, 5 months ago
^^ It'll get far worse before it gets better.
We are now living in an emotionally driven society where people are elected because of emotional reasons and not their ideology. Until we can get away from this extreme PC movement we're going to keep slipping.
Mattlockhart 11 years, 5 months ago
Political correctness is just a drop in a pool filled with much larger underlying issues. As a population, we've been lulled into a state of passive indifference. We've been sedated by media entertainment and in turn, we either don't care or feel personally incapable of effecting any change.
Emotions are important and are powerful compasses for which to guide one's life. However, little is being done to promote critical thought and rational logic. It's almost as though our nation has been hypnotized and become submissive to the dealings of the all mighty magician waving the pocket watch back and forth in front of our faces (enter mass media).
Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago
We might have a chance to set things right if we are able to put some common sense back in the White House in the next election. If we allow someone like Hillary Clinton or anyone from Obama's inner circle in there again, we are screwed. Full disclosure here: I'm a Conservative. I think it is a shame that hard work and the success that follows has now become taboo, being a responsible gun owner makes you an "extremist" and believing in a traditional life makes you a "racist" or a "bigot".
skilletboy 11 years, 5 months ago
I would go so far to say they are lying hypocrites that are now advancing beyond what anyone though the policies of their predecessor and the policies THEY RAN AGAINST!!! WTF
Robochess 11 years, 5 months ago
I would go as far as to say that we need wholesale changes on both sides. As much as I would like to place blame only on the jacka__es, the repulsicans are of equal blame. Any politician these days is there to line their pockets, and the pockets of their buddies, and they don't care about what is good, much less best for our country, or our children. PC, complacency, comfort, lack of morality, and lack of conviction are plagues in America.