justb, CTYJONES, pedro.colantuono and 2 others like this
Yep. I just decided that I'm going to get myself a motorcycle license in the new year and along with it, a BMW G650, because I thought, well I love riding my mountain bike around, I should get something with an engine - that'd be cool!
I looked into it and getting a license in Ontario (where I'm from) is fairly easy. Take a written, get a learners, take a safety course, avoid the annoying driving test, then get a full license in 18months. Pretty street forward. (haha)
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BruceG 11 years, 7 months ago
You'll love it until the first time you pick it up off a fire road.
joslightbringer 11 years, 7 months ago
Why would I take it on a fire road? It's not a dual sport. (It's got regular road slicks)
For off-road/fire-road running, I'd go for an R60 - if one can be found in good shape. And if I did get one of those, I'd be screaming "I'M STEVE MCQUEEN YO!"
BruceG 11 years, 7 months ago
Sorry - you mentioned mountain bike and I just assumed G/S. I had the F650 G/S and did do some off roading, until I picked it up off said fire road. I went to street tires then too, and it was a great ride. Enjoy!
joslightbringer 11 years, 7 months ago
ahhhh I see now. Failure on my part of being clear.
Anyhow... this is just wishful thinking right now. Need a good paying job first, before I can afford that Bavarian awesomeness.
aaron.newell1 11 years, 6 months ago
I just picked up a used 2012 G650 GS. 500 miles in and I'm really loving this bike.