Wilson Combat is my brand, and I take a perverse pleasure using my income tax refund to buy them. Plus, they are made in Arkansas. You could keep your money in state...assuming you are an Arkansas Razorback.
Yes, I am in Arkansas. And only about one hour from Wilson's headquarters in Berryville. Just need to decide if I want to drop that much coin on my first 1911. Very tempting.
Check out http://www.migunslingers.com">http://www.migunslingers.com. He is a master seller for Wilson and has a killer layaway plan. Not a huge stock of Wilson, but their stock replenishes quite often. They can also order for you.
My parents bought me a Combat Commander for my 18th birthday. Been collecting 1911s ever since. I still have the Combat Commander, but mostly reach for my Springfield TRP these days as a carry gun. I have and like polymer guns, but if I could only have one defensive pistol, it would be the 1911. I guess that makes me officially an old guy. :)
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Razorback 11 years, 7 months ago
I have yet to add a 1911 to my small but growing collection. Would love to hear people's thoughts about the various brands.
LSUTigersFan 11 years, 7 months ago
Wilson Combat is my brand, and I take a perverse pleasure using my income tax refund to buy them. Plus, they are made in Arkansas. You could keep your money in state...assuming you are an Arkansas Razorback.
Razorback 11 years, 7 months ago
Yes, I am in Arkansas. And only about one hour from Wilson's headquarters in Berryville. Just need to decide if I want to drop that much coin on my first 1911. Very tempting.
LSUTigersFan 11 years, 7 months ago
Check out http://www.migunslingers.com">http://www.migunslingers.com. He is a master seller for Wilson and has a killer layaway plan. Not a huge stock of Wilson, but their stock replenishes quite often. They can also order for you.
Razorback 11 years, 7 months ago
twii 11 years, 7 months ago
I've shot over 25,000 rounds through my Kimber and it's still going strong.
BenW 11 years, 7 months ago
My parents bought me a Combat Commander for my 18th birthday. Been collecting 1911s ever since. I still have the Combat Commander, but mostly reach for my Springfield TRP these days as a carry gun. I have and like polymer guns, but if I could only have one defensive pistol, it would be the 1911. I guess that makes me officially an old guy. :)
ben.terry 11 years, 7 months ago
A few years ago I got on a WWII kick and got a Garand D-Day Edition and decided to get a GI45. Its simple and rough, I like it!