ChrisLeeVella, kilroy182, DickieGreenleaf and 2 others like this
Can Christians Be Freemasons?
Yes of course!!! Freemasonry accepts ALL kinds of religions!
So why is there all this "beef" between Christianity and Freemasonry?
Check out the article on Masonic Find for the whole scoop! :)
Added in Freemasons
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Robb 11 years, 6 months ago
If two people of mutually exclusive religions can say the same thing and think they are referring to their own respective deities, there is a problem in ambiguous language. This has been the core argument against freemasonry by some Christians. The historic Chrisian creeds (Apostolic, Nicene, and Atbanasian) brook no ambiguity.
alfy86 11 years, 6 months ago
Agreed. Freemasonry is ambiguous to affirm Christianity, but Christianity is not ambiguous enough to affirm Freemasonry.
Robb 11 years, 6 months ago
ChrisLeeVella 11 years, 6 months ago
There is no problem. If you worship a "God" or you believe in a "supreme being" Freemasonry accepts you. Now christianity may have another opinion of that.
Not to sound biased but Christianity is the root of the long time "feud". Even until recently Pope Francis attacked "masonic lobbies".
I come from a Christian family (not christian myself) and I am a freemason. I see no problem with it but apparently people around me that are Christians, see a problem.
Thanks for the question and comment. I 'd love to hear your thoughts.
Coolduude 11 years, 6 months ago
It's not so much Christians in general who have a "problem" with Freemasonry, it's Catholicism. I'm a Catholic myself and I cannot, nor will I try to, become a Mason. Here's the Church's explanation behind the prohibition:">
If you want a more in-depth reading I would recommend the Catholic Encyclopedia article on Masonry (found here:">, specifically the section titled "Action of state and Church authorities".
ChrisLeeVella 11 years, 6 months ago
Sorry to say but that article has wrong information in it but you are right, it's not christians that have a "problem" it "Catholicism".
As I said; I come from a (very) Christian family so in no way I am "attacking" christians. It's just he way it is.
larryh2013 11 years, 6 months ago
By the end of the day, it all comes down to science. No matter what religion you believe in or if you are a freemason, you someday will realize its all science. Just 100s or 1000s years ago, people are not smart enough to understand Science and use different terminology to describe what they see. Imagine, you take the Google car to a village in very poor country, they will probably either dance around it and worship it or they will do all the things they can and say the car is possess.
ChrisLeeVella 11 years, 6 months ago
Totally agree!!!