rynemcclaren, The.Minted.Dad, elancaster65 and 3 others like this
This is the perfect set of weapons to handle any wild uncivilized people or crazed zombies!
rynemcclaren, The.Minted.Dad, elancaster65 and 3 others like this
This is the perfect set of weapons to handle any wild uncivilized people or crazed zombies!
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Jeff_Bates 13 years, 1 month ago
To bad it was a limited edition and no longer for sale. Maybe if enough people ask they will start making them again.
chrisbrogan 13 years, 1 month ago
I am always looking for items for the zombie apocalypse! : )
HarmsWayChad 13 years, 1 month ago
Jeff I hope they will start making them again! Hello Chris Brogan, are you fully stocked and ready just in case?