

For some reason, don't we all justify our behavior?
This, "I'm not as bad as Hitler" thinking really has to go, in my opinion.
While I was watching his response, I couldn't stop thinking, "What is the standard of who is and isn't a monster?"


  • DirtDoc 11 years, 5 months ago

    Too true. Or who cares if you meet whatever criteria exists for being a monster. He deprived women of their liberty, forced labor from them, also called slavery, and most importantly raped them. These things are wrong, regardless of the offenses of any other person.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 11 years, 5 months ago

    Not a monster? Your actions dictate otherwise.

    What he put those poor women through is unimaginable. This is one of those times where the punishment needs to be "cruel and unusual".
