


  • Filadog

    Filadog 11 years, 8 months ago

    Very, very true. And the same goes for racial equality as well. To be born a white man in this country has become a sin and if you really want to make society hate you, become a successful white man. Then you are the Devil reincarnate.


    • Filadog

      Filadog 11 years, 8 months ago

      Is that article supposed to make a straight white male feel guilty? After all, we were "born this way". Isn't that the go-to argument from all those who CHOOSE an alternative life style? In today's society, if a white person harms a minority in ANY way, it makes national head lines, but if it's reversed, you hear nothing. Roughly 5 years ago in Knoxville,TN, a white couple was car jacked by a group of blacks. They forced the white guy to watch as they raped his girlfriend over and over before they killed him and stuffed his body in a barrel and set it on fire. The white girl was held for the remainder of the weekend before she suffered the same fate. All members were ultimately caught, but did you see Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson there doing any race-baiting? No. Did you hear Obama saying that if he had a child that they would look like either one of the couple? Nope. Did the national news media think it was worth covering? Nuh uh. Why? Because people have been conditioned to think that only minorities are capable of being victims. Racism never has been and never will be exclusive to the white race.


      • duncanfj 11 years, 8 months ago

        No racism isn't exclusive to white people. Claiming to be second class citizens and whining about racial equality while the deck is still stacked so much in favor of the white male is.


        • Filadog

          Filadog 11 years, 8 months ago

          You call pointing out facts "whining"? Then by your apparent interpretation, the entire civil rights movement was nothing more than a bunch of minorities "whining" about inequality. The fact is that we over shot the runway of equality about 10 years ago and are now circling the landing strip of revenge. You failed to address the lack of media coverage for the white couple who were brutally murdered in TN. A case that was never even considered to be tried as a hate crime. You also appear to be ignoring the rampant racial double standards in this country. Can you imagine if there was a white version of BET, the NAACP, Black History Month, Miss Black America or how about a flag to celebrate Straight Pride? Why don't we have a "racial quota" in professional sports? There is a Congressional Black Caucus. Where is the Congressional White, Hispanic or Asian Caucus? Jessie Jackson thinks the US Gov't should pay "reparations" to black Americans who have ANCESTORS who were slaves....150 years ago. Seriously? And why is it they only talk about the "evil white man" as the ones who brought slaves to America and you never hear of how slaves were sold by their own people to slave traders? Then we have Affirmative Action. Last time I checked, giving someone preferential treatment based on their skin color was by definition, racism.


          • duncanfj 11 years, 8 months ago

            Just so I get this correct, you are equating the lives of white men today to black people before and during the civil rights movement?


            • Filadog

              Filadog 11 years, 8 months ago

              What I am saying is that there is no longer a drive toward equality but rather toward revenge. As we speak, AG Eric Holder is race baiting over the Zimmerman verdict. And Zimmerman isn't even white! The black community feels as if the world owes them something. Not true. They act as if they are the only race that has ever been wronged. I would imagine the Jewish people would disagree with them.

              Just so that I myself get this correct, you don't believe there is a double standard in this country skewed to favor minorities? Especially blacks?


      • mdwilliams1988 11 years, 8 months ago

        As the author said in his follow-up post (linked to in the original, available at">, his purpose was to inform, not to attack. He's simply pointing out a systematic problem that we, as straight white males, generally fail to comprehend.


    • mdwilliams1988 11 years, 8 months ago

      Is it odd that I agree with both of these articles? I really wish that the author of the first one had not inserted "white" in the last paragraph... From my vantage point, the arguments that she made concerning men are just as valid for non-white men as white men.


  • bryans

    bryans 11 years, 8 months ago

    So most of the men that posted below are definitely not gentlemen, much less men. When is the world going to get that this is not about one side being better than the other or this side having control now. Have equality laws been abused? Yes but so has every other law on the books to nail someone unjustly. That's not due to revenge but people just being ass holes. Until we figure out a way to stop that there are going to be times ALL groups of people are wrongly punished
