


  • Gentleshy 11 years, 4 months ago

    Other than a gay man, a weak man, or a desperate man...NOBODY IS EVER GOING TO WEAR THAT CRAP AND THAT'S WHAT IT IS ((( CRAP ))))......EVER!!!!!


    • MrCowgirl

      MrCowgirl 11 years, 4 months ago

      What a man wears has absolutely nothing to do with his sexuality, his strength, or his level of desperation. I personally wouldn't wear this, but some guys would. BTW this is not a place of bigotry, Homosexuals should be just as welcome here as a straight man.


  • Gentleshy 11 years, 4 months ago

    I am sure that Mrcowgirl which is an oxymoron by the way had to be the one that minted this...It may not be the place for bigotry I agree. It was not a bigoted statement, it was an observation that had no malice or ill will. Judging by the responses of everyone except for yours, I would say that "men" would agree. The other part of the equation is that the fashion industry thinks that what they put out is fashion when 9 out of 10 times it is nothing but a delusional depiction of what 99% of the population no matter the orientation would EVER wear. This is just one mans opinion.
