

Police shot the dog of an Innocent bystander in Hawthorne, CA last week. If you haven't seen the brutal video, click the link below to watch and sign a petition to have this officer fired.

Added in Constitution


  • JaycetheOwl

    JaycetheOwl 11 years, 8 months ago

    This is just terrible,
    I usually have a lot of respect for our boys in uniform. But this is just terrible. The dog only wanted to protect it's master, that's what dogs do. If only they'd let the bystander put his dog back in his car none of this would have happened. That poor dog, he was only being his masters best friend. :,(


  • mango333

    mango333 11 years, 8 months ago

    The cops should've left this guy alone in the first place. Yes he was being annoying, but that's not against the law. Since he wasn't presenting a threat they should have asked him to secure the animal if they were adamant about arresting him. Stupid police work all the way around.

    That said - people, please, back up and let the cops do their jobs. They don't need the extra stress of idiots mouthing off in the midst of an already extremely intense scenario.

    Two thumbs down.
