As an avid camper some ideas on this list are not bad, but some are just plain terrible. Considering the list is on Buzzfeed, it should be assumed that campers using these ideas are those that need to take the comforts of home with them - which I understand, as I was once one of those kinds of camper.
In my opinion... here's a break down of these ideas.
TERRIBLE 1 - impractical due to bulk 3 - hoax 4 - Uhhh... 5 - familiarization should include Giant Hogweed and other nasties 8 - less bulky to squish the roll and shove it into a ziploc bag 10 - or you could just preseason all your food... after all, you made bread in a can! 11 - or invest in 2 one-person sleeping bags that can zip together 12 - get a real hammock, and get away from your car. 18 - BULK! guh! 22 - good idea, but not in a glass jar 23 - why bother when you're doing #2 on this list? 24 - bulky... but rather clever 27 - once again... #2, plus heat source that close to soft plastic?? 31 - BLEGH!! wtf? 41 - How exactly is this a hack?
NEUTRAL 26 - Using a food substance to start a fire? Might as well use powdered coffee whitener 32 - or you could just precook your grain-based foods at home 34 - or... don't get lost? 35 - or... don't take the kids? 36 - is the crate necessary? 40 - great as an emergency, but can be dangerous under some circumstances
GOOD IDEAS 17 - pro: bar doesn't go away gross, con: could take up more space 19 - that's actually very clever 21 - Altoids cans and old script bottles are useful for much more than that... good for cigarette butt containers, match holders, sewing needles, line and fishing hooks. 29 - If you really need to have cheese... sure. 30 - ONE OF THE BEST IDEAS ON THIS LIST. Seriously. 33 - works for muffin mix as well. 38 - camping towels typically are microfiber, at least the kind you get at a real camping store (i.e. MEC, LeBaron, REI) 39 - keeps your ice and water supply clean - don't forget to ditch any cardboard like a 6pack carton
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tico1998 11 years, 8 months ago
Make a lantern out of a JIF container? Ummmmmm.
Checkminus 11 years, 8 months ago
Battery powered... shouldn't be an issue right?
jrogers01 11 years, 8 months ago
#3 Has been dis-proven...">
...but some of them are good
joslightbringer 11 years, 8 months ago
As an avid camper some ideas on this list are not bad, but some are just plain terrible. Considering the list is on Buzzfeed, it should be assumed that campers using these ideas are those that need to take the comforts of home with them - which I understand, as I was once one of those kinds of camper.
In my opinion... here's a break down of these ideas.
1 - impractical due to bulk
3 - hoax
4 - Uhhh...
5 - familiarization should include Giant Hogweed and other nasties
8 - less bulky to squish the roll and shove it into a ziploc bag
10 - or you could just preseason all your food... after all, you made bread in a can!
11 - or invest in 2 one-person sleeping bags that can zip together
12 - get a real hammock, and get away from your car.
18 - BULK! guh!
22 - good idea, but not in a glass jar
23 - why bother when you're doing #2 on this list?
24 - bulky... but rather clever
27 - once again... #2, plus heat source that close to soft plastic??
31 - BLEGH!! wtf?
41 - How exactly is this a hack?
26 - Using a food substance to start a fire? Might as well use powdered coffee whitener
32 - or you could just precook your grain-based foods at home
34 - or... don't get lost?
35 - or... don't take the kids?
36 - is the crate necessary?
40 - great as an emergency, but can be dangerous under some circumstances
17 - pro: bar doesn't go away gross, con: could take up more space
19 - that's actually very clever
21 - Altoids cans and old script bottles are useful for much more than that... good for cigarette butt containers, match holders, sewing needles, line and fishing hooks.
29 - If you really need to have cheese... sure.
33 - works for muffin mix as well.
38 - camping towels typically are microfiber, at least the kind you get at a real camping store (i.e. MEC, LeBaron, REI)
39 - keeps your ice and water supply clean - don't forget to ditch any cardboard like a 6pack carton