Carbon Fiber Daggers |
Posted by eyerish from
johnnymoose, CTYJONES, Dylan_OHare and 1 other like this
Added in Knives
johnnymoose, CTYJONES, Dylan_OHare and 1 other like this
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cjcs 11 years, 7 months ago
Interesting idea, although it seems like a solution in search of a problem as a traditional knife would perform almost any task more effectively (unless you specifically need something you can get through a metal detector, which would be a little concerning).
DirtDoc 11 years, 7 months ago
I agree. I figured they were always a treatment for GAS, (gear acquisition syndrome).
They could have novel applications. As a dive knife, a role normally filled by titanium, which has its own problems. Also maybe if you had to diffuse a bomb in an operating MRI machine.