Where do they come up with these bullshit numbers? 7 million ARs in the world... I doubt it, just a few months ago some liberal was spouting off about how there are only 5 million ARs in U.S. civilian hands. These numbers are wildly inaccurate and obviously FAR lower than reality. I think if you squared or maybe even cubed the 7 million number, you'd be closer to the real number of AR in world circulation. Hell, I bet DHS alone has several million themselves.
I know, just griping about the BS numbers that are thrown around because I think there is an effort to under-report such number to make it look as if people don't support guns as much as I think they actually do. In other words, if the gen public believes that there are only 10 people with guns then it's far easier to stomp on gun rights.
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High_Binder 11 years, 8 months ago
Where do they come up with these bullshit numbers? 7 million ARs in the world... I doubt it, just a few months ago some liberal was spouting off about how there are only 5 million ARs in U.S. civilian hands. These numbers are wildly inaccurate and obviously FAR lower than reality. I think if you squared or maybe even cubed the 7 million number, you'd be closer to the real number of AR in world circulation. Hell, I bet DHS alone has several million themselves.
CDBell 11 years, 8 months ago
Fair. I didn't produce it. I just like the debate...
High_Binder 11 years, 8 months ago
I know, just griping about the BS numbers that are thrown around because I think there is an effort to under-report such number to make it look as if people don't support guns as much as I think they actually do. In other words, if the gen public believes that there are only 10 people with guns then it's far easier to stomp on gun rights.
CDBell 11 years, 8 months ago
I concur, doctor.