kilroy182, MacTexas, rhebert0886 likes this
This is the cover of recent book American Assassin, which acts as the first book in the chronology of Mitch Rapp stories. I'd like to think there are many federal employees like Mitch and I want to stand up and cheer every time he uses that silenced Beretta. These are the people who keep the hounds of the world at bay. Hearing the commentary and watching the special features on the Act Of Valor gives me confidence there are many, many more and this is a comfort to me. I am less happy that my favorite character in literature will not appear in any new stories.
I guess I'll have to find another BMF who loves to kill terrorists to read about now. Losing favorite authors is no fun. Ian Fleming, Isaac Asimov, C.S. Forester and Patrick O'Brian have all died while I was reading their books and it's no fun to lose them while they seem to be at the height of their game (OK, I was actually done with Asimov.). It's funny to picture Junior High me sneaking to Pickwick Bookshop at Topanga Plaza to buy the next James Bond book after Mom gave me a ride there. Racy stuff, that!
I guess I'll have to drag C.J. Box in for a physical so I don't lose him, too. Let's hope there are some doctors left after O-care gets fully implemented.
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NateG 11 years, 9 months ago
This saddens me to hear. I just started reading his books. I knew he had cancer. Just very sad. I have really enjoyed the first 2.
kilroy182 11 years, 9 months ago
He will be sorely missed, Good man, and a damn fine author.