

Personally, I still love the Maker and don't think that the difference between 84 proof and 90 proof is that big a deal. However, I love saving money. My new favorite is the Evan Williams vintage, the 2002 is great, and I'm a sucker for a wax seal. Although it's tough for me to drink, knowing what i was doing in 2002, I'm in college now so you do the math.

Added in Drinking


  • pduffie

    pduffie 11 years, 9 months ago

    They never dropped it FYI. Still my go to Bourbon but there are some great ones on that list. Eagle Rare, Four Roses and Elijah Craig are awesome


  • glen

    glen 11 years, 9 months ago

    FYI: Old Granddad was the whisky Brian and I nursed while hacking together the first prototype of Gentlemint.

    Great find MrCowgirl.


  • jeffpic

    jeffpic 11 years, 9 months ago

    Check up on Maker's, I don't think they are going to water anything down. In fact, I was impressed by their response to their fans. Anyway, I would paste a link but my internet is slow right now and I'm only on Gentlemint because I'm supposed to be studying...
