

"These mysterious rocks have puzzled scientists for decades—until one geologist found the answer on his kitchen table."


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 11 years, 7 months ago

    That was awesome! Death Valley has always been a puzzle to me
    (but you couldn't pay me to go there). I used to look for it somewhere around Blythe on the map, never imagining it was almost due north of our Los Angeles location. Hot = south, right?


  • tinman97030

    tinman97030 11 years, 7 months ago

    Great mint! I have been to DV, specifically China Lake Naval Weapons testing. Now, don't look for a lake, it would not survive the withering heat. The Navy uses underground pools to do their testing.
    Wish I could have seen these sailing stones.


  • Fenrir

    Fenrir 11 years, 7 months ago

    I've been to Death Valley in the spring, when it isn't very hot. It's an awesome place! Now that I live closer to it (its just to the NE of me), I can't wait to visit Racetrack Playa! Get'n the Jeep ready!
