Spyderco Manix 2
I just got one of these and I am amazed at the quality you get for the price, $80 from Amazon. This thing is built like a tank and I could shave with it straight from the factory. Metal lined, useful jimping all over, brilliantly designed clip (hold it in fighting position, your finger falls right in that nice indentation) which can be located in different positions and a lock that will never unintentionally let go. These knives have to be the deal of the century.
I'm now looking at other Spyderco knives to replace my pocket knife and maybe another, slightly smaller one to clip on. The Manix 2 is a little bulkier than I expected for the blade size but I can definitely see it is worth it. The extra-good news is that at these prices I can buy a whole lineup and then decide which one fits my wardrobe needs on any given day.
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williebence 11 years, 9 months ago
I carry one of these with me every single day. Absolutely love it.