You forgot to mention the millions of law abiding gun owners who don't kill people. I feel like you are one of those uneducated irrational types that likes to blame guns. A gun is a tool, and that is it. Cars are tools, hammers are tools, pressure cookers are tools, and in the wrong hands they can be used for nefarious reasons. If you have a problem with guns, don't buy one. Do a little research and you'll find gun crimes have been going down for the last one hundred years. Of course, I can't present facts in an emotion based, kneejerk reaction argument because they will be ignored. Also, I agree with mmeseck, keep the politics out. I had to respond to this one because it's hard to believe people are this ignorant.
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Cobrapilot 11 years, 9 months ago
You forgot to point out the one thing that all of those things have in common....People.
Ammon 11 years, 9 months ago
Coolduude 11 years, 9 months ago">
MDRF.Lumpy 11 years, 9 months ago
You're right, let's get rid of people.
MrCowgirl 11 years, 9 months ago
was 9/11 an airplane problem? no. gun's are only dangerous in the wrong hands.
mmeseck 11 years, 9 months ago
Can't we keep politics off.
TheGreatDane 11 years, 9 months ago
You forgot to mention the millions of law abiding gun owners who don't kill people. I feel like you are one of those uneducated irrational types that likes to blame guns. A gun is a tool, and that is it. Cars are tools, hammers are tools, pressure cookers are tools, and in the wrong hands they can be used for nefarious reasons. If you have a problem with guns, don't buy one. Do a little research and you'll find gun crimes have been going down for the last one hundred years. Of course, I can't present facts in an emotion based, kneejerk reaction argument because they will be ignored. Also, I agree with mmeseck, keep the politics out. I had to respond to this one because it's hard to believe people are this ignorant.
MrCowgirl 11 years, 9 months ago
MDRF.Lumpy, I'm sorry to tell you this, fella, but you might feel more at home on another website. Might I suggest
s5traut 11 years, 9 months ago
...and I bet your solution to America's problem with obesity is to ban spoons.
Take your ignorance elsewhere.
BeersandBeans 11 years, 9 months ago
Great post.