Why Gun People Don't Trust Anti-Gun People
Posted by BenW from www.iowastatedaily.com
dewtattoo, johnnymoose, tico1998 and 2 others like this
This editorial is the most well done and concise piece I've read on the gun debate. If anti-gun people want to know why we are so "obstinate", they should read this.
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dewtattoo 11 years, 10 months ago
Damn! That was a great article. Thanks for sharing :)
JakeLonergan 11 years, 9 months ago
This was a terrific article and Barry Snell is also a terrific interview. Tom Gresham had him on his Guntalk radio show a couple of weeks ago. It was great! Tom wants Barry to continue his journalism career, he'd be a refreshing addition to the Leftist Lame Stream Media. You might want to go to the Guntalk website and grab the podcast. Heck, you might want to subscribe to it!
BenW 11 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for the tip Jake. I catch Tom's show when I can, but didn't catch this interview. I'll definitely download it. THis young man has a very promising career in journalism, and I hope he sticks with it. He has a knack for putting a burr under the anti's saddle. :)