

This editorial is the most well done and concise piece I've read on the gun debate. If anti-gun people want to know why we are so "obstinate", they should read this.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 11 years, 9 months ago

    This was a terrific article and Barry Snell is also a terrific interview. Tom Gresham had him on his Guntalk radio show a couple of weeks ago. It was great! Tom wants Barry to continue his journalism career, he'd be a refreshing addition to the Leftist Lame Stream Media. You might want to go to the Guntalk website and grab the podcast. Heck, you might want to subscribe to it!


  • BenW

    BenW 11 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks for the tip Jake. I catch Tom's show when I can, but didn't catch this interview. I'll definitely download it. THis young man has a very promising career in journalism, and I hope he sticks with it. He has a knack for putting a burr under the anti's saddle. :)
