AFG-2 | Military Times GearScout
Posted by joshschaaf from
Matthew_Hill, kilroy182, JakeLonergan and 1 other like this
Angled Foregrip, AR 15, Magpul
Added in AR-15
Matthew_Hill, kilroy182, JakeLonergan and 1 other like this
Angled Foregrip, AR 15, Magpul
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JakeLonergan 11 years, 10 months ago
The AFG-1 and AFG-2 are the best accessories I own. If you have a gigantic, sharp RIS you might want to go with the "1", which has protective "wings" on the sides. If you have something smaller, like the polymer Magpul MOE hand guard, you might want to use the wingless "2". Either way, they are terrific!
joshschaaf 11 years, 10 months ago
I have the "2" after having used a VFG. I am much happier with the angled grip for shooting out of the prone and also because I personally tended to tense up on the VFG on longer shots pulling down on it and throwing of my shots. Great accessory.