its not what you think. for years there have been complaints from white students that school dances only played "black music" (hip-hop) or from black students that only "white music" was played (country, rock) so, many schools started holding 2 proms not to keep students separated by race, but to offer a choice in music style. any race was welcome at either event, however people tend to gravitate towards people who look like them and so the dances turned into racially segregated events because of students choices, not because of school administration
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MrCowgirl 11 years, 11 months ago
its not what you think. for years there have been complaints from white students that school dances only played "black music" (hip-hop) or from black students that only "white music" was played (country, rock) so, many schools started holding 2 proms not to keep students separated by race, but to offer a choice in music style. any race was welcome at either event, however people tend to gravitate towards people who look like them and so the dances turned into racially segregated events because of students choices, not because of school administration