

Edit : More close up pic here :

More detail for the step by step here dont click on the pic

Added in Man lounge, DIY


  • julien.massie1

    julien.massie1 11 years, 11 months ago

    Dam we can edit our comment, For the finishing I woud also recommend.

    6. Put 1-2 dip of grazy glue in each connection so they dont get loose when you move the table around.

    7. When you make your leg length dont forget to consider that you will add 2 inch of wood on the top.

    8. I really recommend to spray paint it black, even if your pipe are black, it give the frame a more ... finished look.

    9. At home demo you can assemble your kit on the spot if you want. At the cash you end up whit like 35 piece of iron pipe ...


  • Loadedpocketz

    Loadedpocketz 11 years, 11 months ago

    Julien - Nicely done. What did you use for the top and bottom of the legs? Were those from the pipe area also? Also, did you just use wood screws to attach the legs to the table?
