

Tried to keep it as similar to my main AR as possible. Since the LaRue PredatAR Rail system is proprietary to LaRue guns I had to get the next best thing which is the Midwest Industries Rail. With the cost of ammo getting more and more expensive, I really wanted to get an AR in .22 to train with, without spending a small fortune every time I go to the range. The bolt system used in this is a new design that takes all the benefits of a Ceiner and all the benefits of a CMMG system wrapped up in one. It ate everything I fed it, except it had some troubles with federal bulk. Since I will have a can on this, I am not too worried about it.

I have a Primary Arms Micro RDS on order and some Magpul BUIS that are going on it as well.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 12 years ago

    OK, I know how silly this will sound but I have to say it. If you want to train with a totally realistic replica why not try an Airsoft gun? I knew military and HR teams were training with them but it wasn't until I finally watched the special features on the Black Hawk Down DVD that I saw it in action (and all the way back in 2001!).

    I can lay my VFC M4 down next to my Stag Model 2T and you couldn't tell the difference if not for the orange tip and about 1.5" of barrel. Incredibly realistic and I have them "dressed" as closely as possible to enhance the simulation.

    Extra fun is the ability to shoot those 6mm BB's at about 400fps right inside your house if the weather is bad or you want to conduct drills with your SO on how to handle a break-in. I don't have a vested interest but I shop at due to their large inventory, trick custom guns and close proximity.


  • BCV 12 years ago

    I like the idea of using airsoft... but I also like being able to go shoot stuff. I can't hit a steel target accurately at 150 yards with airsoft. I can't kill varmints with airsoft, etc...
