Mossberg 500 Tactical | Upgrades done right
Posted by KyleSmith from
michelle.w.tippets, RockRavn, mango333 and 74 others like this
OH. GOD. YES. Definitely doing this to mine.
Added in The Dream Team
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DaneGreyson 12 years ago
What a sexy beast!
Filadog 12 years ago
That's just perfect.
Dear Santa......
JakeLonergan 12 years ago
Much as I love the Magpul AFG's on my AR's, I'm thinking it might not go so well on my M590A1. Other than that, it's a thing of beauty. (ps, it MIGHT work, it just never occurred to me to try it and logic tells me not to.) Oh, I see. That protuberance on the left side of the slide is to allow your thumb to better help work the slide? Hmm, still seems like a good way to dislocate said thumb.
theBeAr 12 years ago
Thats badass
blackrobe 11 years ago
Who has the details on how this one was put together?