kyle.speas, markwotton, sguzman and 1 other like this
A manly hobby with posts written by a guy who really knows how to write. Interesting even if you aren't into smoking pipes.
kyle.speas, markwotton, sguzman and 1 other like this
A manly hobby with posts written by a guy who really knows how to write. Interesting even if you aren't into smoking pipes.
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markwotton 11 years, 11 months ago
I just inherited my great grandfathers pipe collection that was stored for 40 years in a box in my parents basement.
I've just started the process of refinishing and restoring them.
This blog will be infinitely helpful.
Thanks for posting!
jshinn 11 years, 11 months ago
I'm envious! :-D
Good luck and have fun!