

Looks like Missouri is joining a growing list of states I refuse to move to.


  • DirtDoc 12 years, 1 month ago

    Besides the wrongness in phrasing this as Missouri Democrats (the sponsors are democrats, but the phrasing makes it sound like all Democrats support it, which besides likely being false, is not supported by evidence), you can't get worked up about every introduced item. Anyone can introduce anything. It has no chance of passing (or even leaving committee) and no chance if passing constitutional muster if it magically did.

    Corrected Fox Headline: Four democrats in Missouri make empty gesture to pander to constituents.


  • tmacken 12 years, 1 month ago

    I highly doubt it would pass, this is a very republican state. There are also way too many hunters and fire arm owners to let it happen. They're damn sure not getting mine unless it's empty.


  • High_Binder 12 years, 1 month ago

    There's been a lot of other proposals that we all thought we're too far-fetched to pass that did pass in the last 4 years. So don't let your guard down. Keep up the fight even if this one seems like pandering.


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 12 years, 1 month ago

    "Oh no, that could never happen here...", as the guy from the Fine Firearms shop in the Springfield, MO BPS told me. Here's the problem we had in CA; once the two major urban centers (L.A. and S.F.) got the population to out-vote the rest of the more rural state we were screwed. Note that all (or almost all) the congressional reps in St.L. and K.C. are Democrats and you will better understand my fears for MO.
