

Added in Political


  • olbluiz

    olbluiz 11 years, 11 months ago

    My opinion is that this picture was taken only to prove to his critics that the story about his skeet shooting passion is true. Because the critics were asking "where are the pictures of him doing this?..he has many pictures playing golf and basketball.." Although I could be wrong, but the timing is very evident.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 11 years, 11 months ago

    What they don't show is that the target his is shooting at is not skeet. It's a copy of the Constitution.

    This is absolutely a staged photo. Don't know if it's photo shopped or not (it very well could be), but this proves nothing about his so called "love of skeet shooting". EVEN if that were true, skeet shooting alone does not prove you have a true understand of the 2nd Amendment.....or respect for it.
