

Is this a Prophet?

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Sbolster07, kilroy182, rku2ig and 9 others like this


  • rku2ig

    rku2ig 12 years, 1 month ago

    Well spoken, effectively delivered, great points, and even brought up some others. My fear is the fact that those who are making these decisions have already determined what course of action the want to take and will cast thier vote in that direction. What is the point of listening to both sides if you are not even remotely open to the idea that your mind can be changed?


  • JakeLonergan

    JakeLonergan 12 years, 1 month ago

    You two are, sadly, probably correct. What always confuses me is the antis' inability to articulate how any of these laws will curb violence. I am forced to conclude that their zeal in this matter takes on a bigger picture reference; control of us, the populace, as suggested in the YouTube comments by the fellow who came here from Russia.


  • athens

    athens 12 years, 1 month ago

    JakeLonergan , I read that post by the Russian immigrant and that was my take exactly. It is sad that only others who have come from socialist/communist or other totalitarian dictatorships can see the road that this country is heading down and rku2ig is correct in his assumption the decision seems to have already been made.
