

Added in Self Help


  • cjcs

    cjcs 12 years ago

    Regardless of your beliefs, the Bible is arguably the most influential publication in the history of mankind. It is definitely worth owning a copy and familiarizing yourself with it. I skim through the bible from time to time (although as an atheist, I take it all with a huge grain of salt). There are a number of passages that teach valuable lessons about morality and ideals.

    It's also the best possible tool to fight against religious ignorance with.


  • Todd73 12 years ago

    Thanks for the comments gentlemen, of course I already have my copy and read it regularly. As to why, well that depends on who you are I suppose. If you are a believer like me this book will increase faith, provide counsel, guidence, and strength. If your not a believer, the Bible will produce faith for you if that is what you want. If that is not what you want we can still all benefit from the application of biblical teachings such as the "golden rule" or hard work, honesty, and faithfullness to our families.

    The Bible is the story of the redemption of mankind. In short, God created man, man fell into sin, God redeemed man through Jesus Christ and now all who will simply believe will be born again into the family of God as one of His children. Thanks again for the comments.
