I tend to agree with the author... But I think the foundation of foolishness is a refusal to think of the consequences. It might take a few dozen dead daughters to realize that.
@ahnyerkeester, I can understand where you might think that, but she brings up a lot of valid points. As one of the posters pointed out, unit readiness should be the utmost goal and highest priority for any fighting force. This move negates what thousands of years of combat have taught us and it's going to ultimately weaken our military.
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ahnyerkeester 12 years, 2 months ago
Not a very well-reasoned argument, more an emotional rant. There must be better arguments against.
skilletboy 12 years, 2 months ago
I tend to agree with the author... But I think the foundation of foolishness is a refusal to think of the consequences. It might take a few dozen dead daughters to realize that.
mango333 12 years, 2 months ago
@ahnyerkeester, I can understand where you might think that, but she brings up a lot of valid points. As one of the posters pointed out, unit readiness should be the utmost goal and highest priority for any fighting force. This move negates what thousands of years of combat have taught us and it's going to ultimately weaken our military.
LSUTigersFan 12 years, 2 months ago
How far have things already gotten? The Gerald Ford class of carriers will not have urinals...