tinman97030, Elz likes this
As an avid cyclist, I've always enjoyed the freedom that comes with two wheels. However, being into mountain biking, I've never been one to watch the Tour De France.
Quite a few years ago, Lance Armstrong, who was at the time a top level cyclist, but by no means a TDF winner, stepped away from racing because he had developed testicular cancer. A few short years later, he's back in the saddle and suddenly winning TDFs... not once, not twice, not even three times... but a record SEVEN times.
I vaguely remember seeing Armstrong in a Jersey with Bristol Meyer Squibb across it. That's when I knew he was cheating. You see... testicular cancer and chemo destroyed the man's ability to produce normal levels of testosterone. A Drug company suddenly becoming a major sponsor made me suspicious... especially after I discovered that BMS was producing hormone therapy products. I don't know if this is actually true, but it made me question the whole thing at the time.
Suffice to say, I've never been a fan and after Lance's buddy Landis got busted in 2006, my suspicions got closer to be confirmed. If Landis tested positive, then all that could've meant is that the testing procedure caught up to whatever Armstrong was using.
As it stands, the Tour De France now has a 7 year gap in its history where it has no winner.
Thanks Lance. Thanks for showing what Livestrong really means.
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egro 12 years, 2 months ago
While it may have been founded by a cheater, Livestrong has done a lot of good for cancer patients and their families. I don't think the foundation is guilty by association.