


  • DirtDoc 12 years, 2 months ago

    SMC, that's the point.

    We regulate cars much more than firearms. If the gov tries to make a registry of all guns, who they are owned by, and check the serial of any guns they encounter to make sure they aren't stolen, people woul throw a fit.

    We do blame drivers, not guns, as we should, but we regulate cars much more intensely exactly to prevent drunks or others from hurting the innocent. I think it's a bad analogy if your trying to advocate against increased gun control measures, although I recognize its merit in some arguments.


  • Cobrapilot

    Cobrapilot 12 years, 2 months ago

    I am an enthusiastic supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and I stay away from the auto analogy for some of the reasons DirtDoc mentioned here. The idea is valid, but the two don't equate on many levels.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 12 years, 2 months ago

    Its also illegal to yell "Fire!" while inside a movie theater but you don't see movie goers being forced to wear a gag.

    My fear with a national registry and further documentation of gun owner's information is that the government will have yet even more information to use. God forbid if they decide they really to take those guns, they'll know exactly where to go. I know, I know, that sounds a bit paranoid (and I'll give you that), but Obama is a far Left Marxist/Socialist who thinks the government should be your parent from cradle to grave. As your parent, if the government decides that owning a gun is too dangerous for you to own, well then....... A lot of the things Hitler did was legal when he did it. Remember Obama talking about his "civilian army" that would operate outside the U.S. military? Sounds an awful like Hitler's SS to me.


  • Filadog

    Filadog 12 years, 2 months ago

    And with regards to the aforementioned car analogy, owning/operating a car is not mentioned in the Constitution. Neither is Health Care (but we will open that particular can of worms later). It's not a "right" to own a car but it IS to own a gun. That pesky little Constitution is always a "bump in the road" for Obama and his agenda.
