TOMBIHN, kilroy182 likes this
A well reasoned article by Sam Harris on self-defense.
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"...the probability that you will be robbed, assaulted, raped or murdered at some point over the next 30 years [in the US] is 1 in 9."That is frightening. Good thing I have the means to carry a firearm and defend myself. Amiright??
This is a great article and full of resources. Thank you for posting this!
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KyleSmith 12 years, 2 months ago
"...the probability that you will be robbed, assaulted, raped or murdered at some point over the next 30 years [in the US] is 1 in 9."
That is frightening. Good thing I have the means to carry a firearm and defend myself. Amiright??
KyleSmith 12 years, 2 months ago
This is a great article and full of resources. Thank you for posting this!