AaronTebrinke, JakeLonergan, DirtDoc and 1 other like this
Too many people I know personally oppose GMO crops and either don't know why, or do so for the wrong reasons.
AaronTebrinke, JakeLonergan, DirtDoc and 1 other like this
Too many people I know personally oppose GMO crops and either don't know why, or do so for the wrong reasons.
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JakeLonergan 12 years, 1 month ago
Too true. Remember these are the same (type of) people who caused the banning of DDT. I guess it's "only" millions of Africans who have died of malaria. Same principle here.
DirtDoc 12 years, 1 month ago
DDT is illegal in the U.S. It is still widely used in many tropical areas for combating malarial mosquitoes, and apparently in Indian agriculture, on mangoes. (Oh, google).
DDT is an endocrine disruptor and a carcinogen with a long environmental half-life. So where it isn't needed, it shouldn't be used. The issue couldn't be more distinct from GMOs.
DirtDoc 12 years, 1 month ago
DDT is illegal in the U.S. It is still widely used in many tropical areas for combating malarial mosquitoes, and apparently in Indian agriculture, on mangoes. (Oh, google).
DDT is an endocrine disruptor and a carcinogen with a long environmental half-life. So where it isn't needed, it shouldn't be used. The issue couldn't be more distinct from GMOs.