Carpen, petalumasupplyco, tmeitner likes this
Just got one for Christmas for an introduction to Home Brewing. Excited to start... anyone else get/have one?
Added in Home Brewing
Carpen, petalumasupplyco, tmeitner likes this
Just got one for Christmas for an introduction to Home Brewing. Excited to start... anyone else get/have one?
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VintageOH 12 years, 2 months ago
So are these actually worth the time and money? They certainly seem easier than regular home brewing, but I'm apprehensive about the taste of the final product.
tyler.mccauley 12 years, 2 months ago
I'm not sure, people who used them say they are a great introduction to the hobby, and that the beer isn't half bad.
Will be sure to tell you after I brew my first batch!