


  • mikekey

    mikekey 12 years, 2 months ago

    LOL at Macbaker, that's my thought too. Most people buy laptops these days. And while that might hold true for a desk, it doesn't for laptops. At least my MacBook Pro that I paid 2000 for won't be worth $100 in a year like almost every pos PC.


  • mikekey

    mikekey 12 years, 2 months ago

    LOL at Macbaker, that's my thought too. Most people buy laptops these days. And while that might hold true for a desk, it doesn't for laptops. At least my MacBook Pro that I paid 2000 for won't be worth $100 in a year like almost every pos PC.


  • Droopy 12 years, 2 months ago

    That's pretty stupid actually. I've had my MacBook since 2005. I slid it off the bar top and cracked the screen. Apple replaced it free and replaced the keyboard since a couple keys were sticking. All free. No warranty. No protection plan. I have close friends with similar stories.
    I've never had a pc last 3 years. Much less 7 going on 8 like my Mac. You get what you pay for. Keep hating. I'll keep enjoying my laptop while your on your third one in eight years (and spending more than what I did).
