My theory is that Cumberbatch plays Gary Mitchell. No, I can't prove it but the writers hinted at who the villain is. They said it was someone from the original series and Mitchell was one of the possibilities.
I don't know Karl, Mitchell was an odd storyline in TOS but the timeline has been disturbed and perhaps it won't the same story that it originally was. It will be interesting to see where Abrams goes with this.
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ahnyerkeester 12 years, 12 months ago
My theory is that Cumberbatch plays Gary Mitchell. No, I can't prove it but the writers hinted at who the villain is. They said it was someone from the original series and Mitchell was one of the possibilities.
Help me. I'm a nerd.
kajehart 12 years, 12 months ago
I can't even imagine from what angle JJ would have Mitchell written in for as a villian. I don't even think Harry Mudd would be a good choice, but a better one. All I've ever heard from the beginning is that this sequel would have a TOS villain:">
ahnyerkeester 12 years, 12 months ago
I don't know Karl, Mitchell was an odd storyline in TOS but the timeline has been disturbed and perhaps it won't the same story that it originally was. It will be interesting to see where Abrams goes with this.
gimmik3 12 years, 12 months ago