This is looooong overdue! Hopefully the Mayans wait until December 21st, 2013...
mlarson, pduffie, josh.naranjo.75 and 14 others like this
This is looooong overdue! Hopefully the Mayans wait until December 21st, 2013...
mlarson, pduffie, josh.naranjo.75 and 14 others like this
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Mike_Kreegar 12 years, 4 months ago
Cant wait until this comes out!
kilroy182 12 years, 4 months ago
!!Warning possible spoiler read no further.!!
I am going to see this no matter what. However, I do wish they had stuck with the books slow, shambling zombies with a long incubation period between being bitten and wigging out, over the super speedy '28 days later' variety. I think that was a major point in the book how people who had been infected would try to hide it to get into quarantined areas and thus spreading the disease.
JakeLonergan 12 years, 4 months ago
One of my favorite books! At least, I hope it's the same one written by Max Brooks.
mlarson 12 years, 4 months ago
Seriously people??? This is Gentlemint and the most popular item is a tiger or something painted on a fence??? MAN UP!!! This is World War Z!!! - LIKE THIS AND LETS REDEEM THE GENTLEMINT AND ALL THAT IS MAN!
kilroy182 12 years, 4 months ago
In defense of 'something painted on a fence' Calvin and Hobbes is the childhood almost every man had or wishes he had. That boy is an incorrigible heathen, and so was I.