Go see Shazam!
Posted by zamoose 5 years, 11 months ago
It's Big + super heroes + Gremlins + Goonies, with a smattering of Raimi's Spider-Men. Best super hero movie since, hmmm...
Definitely different than Thor: Ragnarok. Not sure if it's better, but it deserves all the monies at the box office.
PS: It earned the PG-13 (see "Gremlins" point above). Don't take your young kids.
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5 years, 10 months agoOk, just checked out the trailer on your recommendation and I'm sold. It has a 91% on the rottentomatoes meter, which isn't always something I trust, but I could take a high rating from Zamoose to the bank and cash it.
I kept seeing headlines and blurbs about it on the Internet and wondered what all the hubub was about. Good to know it lives up to the hype.
It's hard for me to take any superhero movie very seriously these days, they have all seemed to grow very formulaic and stale. I didn't watch Thor: Ragnarok and haven't really seen a lot of the comic book-based films in recent years, I honestly think the last one I went to go see was Guardians of the Galaxy. My expectations for that were low and it surprisingly surpassed them. I'm kind of a snob about movies but will readily admit when even a lowly superhero movie is worthy of some accolades.
If this movie has 1/10th the heart of Big or Gremlins or Goonies, I'm in.
5 years, 10 months agoI am looking forward to seeing this. I hadn't seen Zachary Levi since the series Chuck and I didn't even recognize him. It's always weird when actors go through the superhero transformation. Anyway, I will also take a Zamoose rating to the bank.
5 years, 10 months agoIt looks like the cast is having a lot of fun making it. Certainly not as dark and brooding as Afleck's Batman.
5 years, 10 months agoReply
5 years, 10 months agoHa Haaaa!!! Poor Ben, still in character even during the interview.
5 years, 10 months agoGod the Internet is amazing.
5 years, 10 months agoUpon reading this, I realize that it may sound sarcastic, which I can assure you it is not. I simply am amazed by the creative and funny stuff I see that people have put time into sometimes. This being one of those times.