

Odd Winter Holiday Traditions

General Posted by jordan 6 years, 3 months ago

What are some of your oddest holiday traditions?

We always eat Runzas on Christmas Eve.

Growing up, we had two baby Jesuses (Jesi?) in our manger scene since Grandma didn't want my sister and I fighting over who got baby Jesus. Although, come to think of it, a third Jesus never showed up when my younger brother was born.

6 replies

  • glen

    Runza on Christmas Eve! That is a weird tradition.

    I believe I've talked about this here, but my brother and I always have a pickup basketball game after the Christmas meal. It's terrible. But, it's tradition.


  • elancaster65

    Not sure it's a tradition but growing up in SoCal we'd go outside and shorts. Playing with whatever we got...bikes, basketballs, etc.

    Mostly it's a Christmas Eve tradition that my Wife does. Everyone gets new pajamas to wear for Christmas Morning. Mine are usually worn once then never again.



  • daemon

    On the farm each year, all the families gather from all over. We have enough cousins for a massive football game that usually ends up in a huge snow fight or just wrestling match almost rugby match. One of my Mom's sisters kids have all had 8+ kids, so the main house and all the others are always packed with family and friends for a couple of days.

    No Christmas would be complete without four wheeling through the woods and then taking all the young kiddos out to see the new animals and having a warm time in the barn, once the heaters are fired up.

    While many of us make our lives in our respective cities, it is always good to get back together will all the far flung family relations and catch back up at year's end.

    This is where we all came from, and we all journey back to touch base, bringing those who have joined us along the way with us, celebrating new births and remaking memories.

    Story time is always epic and something we have done for my whole life, is to gather around the kitchen table in the farm house and play board games and card games way into the night Christmas Eve.

    The farm has been in our family for four generations now and I hope we will still be gathering there with family long after I am old and then gone.

    Some were born here. Quite a few are buried here, but our life springs from here. It gets in your blood.
